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Computing Accounts

All Statistics staff and faculty automatically have a Computing Account paid for by the funding source of their appointment. PhD students who have a TA or RA appointment automatically have an account paid for by the funding source of their appointment. If a collaborator does not yet have an account via above, an account can be paid for from grant or project funds. Self-payment is also available. For both options, see the details below:

If a faculty member would like to sponsor a Computing Account for a collaborator for a monthly fee ($120/month as of Autumn 2024), please have the faculty member send an email to Tracy Pham at with the following information:

  • Name of collaborator
  • Duration of account
  • Funding Source

If a collaborator would like to self-pay by check for this account ($138/month as of Autumn 2024), please send an email to Tracy Pham at with the following information:

  • Name
  • Duration of account