Software: Environment Modules
Environment modules enable multiple versions of software to coexist on Statistics servers. These modules are optimized for our hardware, providing performance up to four times faster than their non-module counterparts.
Many modules include additional libraries commonly used for scientific computing, eliminating the need for manual installation. For example, the R module includes libraries such as Rcpp and promises.
To use software packages like R and Python, you must load the appropriate version into your environment using the module command.
Quick Reference
Command | Description |
module avail |
Lists all available modules |
module list |
Lists all currently lodaded modules |
module load <mod> |
Loads the specified module |
module unload <mod> |
Unloads the specified module |
module purge |
Unloads all currently loaded modules |
module help <mod> |
Shows help information for the specified module. |
Commonly Used Modules
Name | Description |
R-bundle-CRAN | R and a large collection of R libaries for scientific computing. Recommended for most R use cases. |
R | R and a minimal set of libraries. |
Python | Recommended for most Python use cases. |
Anaconda3 | Not recommended due to very poor performance. If you need help finding or installing a specific library not available in the regular Python module, contact |
Java | |
MATLAB | Limited availability due to licensing. Contact for details. |
MOSEK | The MOSEK solver requires a free personal academic license. See |
In this example, the R module will be loaded.
- If you're using the cluster, start a Slurm interactive session with
. For details, see Slurm Commands - List available modules with the
module avail
command. Once modules are loaded,module avail
will show a(L)
next to the loaded modules.- For a detailed description of all available modules, run
module spider
- For a detailed description of all available modules, run
- Show module details. Notice that this will list all the extra packages included with this R verison:
module help R
- Load the R module:
module load R-bundle-CRAN
. By default, the module command will load the newest version available. You can select a specific version if needed - for example,module load R-bundle-CRAN/2024.06-foss-2023b
.- Dependent modules will be loaded automatically. For example, the default R-bundle-CRAN module is linked to the OpenBLAS library. So the OpenBLAS module will load automatically when the R-bundle-CRAN module is loaded.
- List the loaded modules:
module list
- R can now be run. To verify that you're using the module version of R (or any other package), run
which R
. - To unload modules, use
module unload <module name>
, or unload all modules withmodule purge
Using Modules with Cluster Jobs
To use environment modules with Slurm, a module load
line must be included in your sbatch script before lines running your code. For example:
#SBATCH --job-name myjob # Set a name for your job. This is especially useful if you have multiple jobs queued.
#SBATCH --partition short # Slurm partition to use
#SBATCH --ntasks 1 # Number of tasks to run. By default, one CPU core will be allocated per task
#SBATCH --time 0-02:00 # Time limit in D-HH:MM
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=300 # Memory limit for each tasks (in MB)
#SBATCH --array=1-123 # The number of iterations for this job
module load R-bundle-CRAN
Rscript myscript.R inputfile$SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID
module unable to load or list any packages
Ensure you are in an interactive session when using the cluster; the module command on the login node will not display or load any packages. Start an srun
session (Slurm Commands), then run module avail
How do I install R packages? R packages are outdated?
The R-bundle-CRAN module is updated approximately every 6-18 months.
If you need newer R packages, you can install them in your home directory:
- Start an
session on the "build" partition (see Slurm Commands) - Load the R module:
module load R-bundle-CRAN
- Start R and install packages from CRAN:
How do I install Python packages?
You can install Python libraries in your home directory using virtualenv and pip:
- If you are on the cluster, start an
session on the "build" partition (see Slurm Commands) - Load the Python module:
module load Python
- Create and load a Python virtual environment, then install with pip (see Pip and Virtualenv)